Center for the Study of International Cooperation in EducationHiroshima University

The International Student Colloquium was held at Hiroshima University

The International Student Colloquium was held at Hiroshima University, along with University Sains Malaysia and Indonesia University of Education, from February 27 to March 3, 2023. This time, we were able to invite students from Indonesia and Malaysia for the first time since 2019 to hold a face-to-face colloquium. The Colloquium was planned, organized, and held by the student initiative.

The colloquium consists mainly of presentations, fieldwork, and cultural exchange. The activities were decided upon to reassess history from different perspectives, grasp the current situation, and make proposals for the future since the students come from diverse backgrounds such as nationalities, ethnicities, specialties, religions, and ages.

If you are interested in inter-university academic exchange, student initiative academic events, and international cultural exchange, please contact to CICE.