Center for the Study of International Cooperation in EducationHiroshima University

【IDEC Seminar No.24/CICE Seminar No.213】 What is the Purpose of Education? Perspective from human capital theory was held on June 12, 2023

Prof. Oketch, a professor from the UCL Institute of Education, University College London, delivered a thought-provoking IDEC/CICE seminar entitled “What is the Purpose of Education?”. The seminar was attended by 35 students and faculty members who engaged in a lively discussion.

During the seminar, Prof. Oketch shed light on the outcomes of education, emphasizing the influence it has not only on the labor market but also within the family and the community, all from the perspective of human capital theory. The students engaged passionately in the discussion, with particular attention paid to the effects of globalization and neoliberalism on education and its purpose. Prof. Oketch emphasized the importance of continuing to focus on how education can be used in light of ever-changing environment surrounding education and society.

As part of our ongoing efforts, CICE will continue to organize seminars on educational development and policy. We extended a warm invitation to attend these seminars if you have an interest in the field.

Thank you for your attention, and we hope to see you at our upcoming events.