Center for the Study of International Cooperation in EducationHiroshima University

The 11th International Student Colloquium 2024 was held at Universiti Sains Malaysia

From February 26th to March 1st, 2024, Universiti Sains Malaysia hosted the 11th International Student Colloquium. Universiti Sains Malaysia, the second oldest national university in Malaysia, has its main campus located on Penang Island. 10 CICE internship students from Hiroshima University participated in the colloquium.

Centered on the theme ‘Global Citizenship for Sustainable Futures,’ the colloquium provided students with fruitful experience through academic presentations, fieldwork, and cultural exchanges.

The academic presentations discussed global citizenship from various aspects such as society, environment, and education, and became an opportunity to think together about what we can do for our future. The presentations were informative, sparkling active discussions took place not only during the sessions but also during breaks. For example, a student from Hiroshima University highlighted the critical role of contextual understanding in English education to live in a globalized society. The academic presentations were a valuable living experience for the participants, who shared their opinions based on their specialties and interests. The mangrove planting, as one of fieldwork activities, offered participants an opportunity to reflect on the importance of collaboration among local communities, universities, and companies in solving environmental issues.

These activities led participants to realize that global citizens are those who not only understand and empathize with the challenges we face but also take action towards shaping our futures. The colloquium provided a platform for us to share our insights, and each participant’s active involvement facilitated collaboration across national and academic boundaries.


< Schedule of International Student Colloquium 2024 >

Date                Training content

February 26th Opening ceremony

February 27th Academic presentations and Malaysian traditional sports

February 28th Visit to Penang Hill and Botanical Garden

February 29th Planting of mangrove tree and cooking Malaysian and Japanese cuisine

March 1st        Experience Malaysian traditional musical instruments, and closing ceremony


< List of presentation titles of CICE internship students >

  1. The Important Role of Middle Management in the Continuous Improvement of Organizations
  2. Echoes of Perseverance: A Case Study Unveiling Academic Resilience in the Educational Journey of Refugee Students
  3. How To Talk When You Meet New People
  4. How can we raise citizens’ Legal Literacy by “Raw-Law Experience” Education?
  5. One of the Poorest Countries
  6. Post-Mistake Performance in Sport: Hating Mistakes Brings Further Damage
  7. Teaching and Learning for Students’ Transferable Skills Development: Situation at Universities in Vietnam
  8. How To Get Reliability to Promote Using New Digital Service
  9. Comparative Analysis Between Language Proficiency and Sarcasm Recognition Ability For The Acquisition Of Practical English
  10. How to create Filipino Muslimness ― Focusing on Madrasa Education in BARMM ―