Center for the Study of International Cooperation in EducationHiroshima University

(Mar12) The 208th CICE Open Seminar:Market-Oriented Ideas Meet Public Education Structures

We hold the 208th CICE seminar as below. Everyone is welcome!

Title: Market-Oriented Ideas Meet Public Education Structures: An Analysis of Teacher Compensation Schemes in Performance Pay Policies in Latin America.

Date: March 12th 2020, 15:00-16:30

Venue: CICE Seminar Room, 6thFloor  
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC)


Education policy frameworks worldwide are full of proposals to link teacher salaries to performance. The teacher performance pay movement is one of a long series of attempts to restructure public school systems. Pressed to reform the governance and management of the public sector, education policymakers increasingly evoke performance pay policies to improve teachers’ motivation and effort, effectiveness, and to enhance accountability and results-based management. ​

This research examines how teacher performance pay is understood in Latin American countries. It takes a widely discussed global policy and looks at how it is designed and implemented in practice. It digs deeper into the innovations in the pay component rather than on the performance evaluation. The approach draws from the literature on pay for performance, personnel practices, and public administration. Using a comparative case-study method, I analyze the purposes of new teacher pay schemes, their rationale, and how their structure compares with conventional pay schemes. Data come from policy documents, regulations, and norms available electronically. Preliminary findings show that teacher pay schemes within the pay for performance policies do not radically vary from conventional pay schemes. They introduce some innovations, yet they do not structurally change teachers’ career and pay schemes, as theory on teacher incentives would presuppose.


Professor Paula Razquin,

Visiting Professor, Hiroshima University, CICE/Former Dean, School of Education, University of San Andrés (Argentina), Assistant Professor


Registration: not necessary

Admission: free

Language: English