Center for the Study of International Cooperation in EducationHiroshima University

A-A Activities


Group Activities

Group A: Gender and Equity

This group focuses on issues of gender and equity in the context of education, taking a comparative approach with regard to access and retention among girls and women at the various educational levels (primary to tertiary). A few studies focus on boys’ education, disability and the effects of traditional cultures. All the studies are guided by a human rights approach to equality and equity as well as the Education for All Goal 2: access and completion of primary education with a good quality by all children, and the Millennium Development Goal 3: gender equity at all levels of education.

- Group A Kick Off in March 2010
- Group A meeting in January 2011

Group B: Quality of Education and Educational Policy

The main goal of Group B Research is seeking to establish and, if possible, identify possible and verifiable connections between such educational policies as school financing and decentralization of educational administration/ management and quality improvement at the school level. Research processes and findings should assist both policy makers and field practitioners in refining, readjusting and reforming their performances to the maximum benefit of educational quality at the school level and educational reform as a whole.

- Group B Kick Off in October 2009
- Group B meeting in January 2011

Group C: Teacher Professional Development

The overarching aim of the study is to develop comprehensive understanding of the construction of teachers’ identity among pre-service and in-service teachers in Africa and Asia. The study will also focus on investigating the teachers’ work-life and their professional quality, especially in the rural areas in Africa and Asia.

- Group C Kick Off in March 2010
- Group C meeting in January 2011

- Group C meeting in November 2016

General activities

The Third General Assembly of A-A Dialogue Network Phase IV, June 14-16, 2017

The A-A Dialogue Network held the third General Assembly of Phase IV on June 14 in Hiroshima.

The Secretary of A-A Dialogue Network, Prof. Kazuhiro Yoshida of Hiroshima University, gave an opening address followed by welcome address by Prof. Yasushi Maruyama (Vice President of Hiroshima University) and opening remarks by Mr. Kimio Fukazawa (General Affairs / Training Program Division Advisor, JICA Chugoku). This year, 29 participants (Africa:16, Asia:8 and Japan:5) from 25 universities attended the General Assembly. Participants reported activities conducted during June 2016-June 2017 and discussed and adopted Action Plan for June 2017-June 2018 on June 14 and 15. The members strengthened friendship and colleagueship more than ever through the general assembly.

The Second General Assembly of Phase IV, June-August, 2016

The A-A Dialogue Network held the Second General Assembly of Phase IV (GA2-IV) virtually on June-August, 2016. 27 members (universities) participated in the virtual GA. Both members and secretariat mainly reported their activities during June 2015-May 2016 and their action plans for June 2016-May 2017.

Second General Assembly of Phase IV, June-August, 2016 The A-A Dialogue Network held the Second General Assembly of Phase IV (GA2-IV) virtually on June-August, 2016. 27 members (universities) participated in the virtual GA. Both members and secretariat mainly reported their activities during June 2015-May 2016 and their action plans for June 2016-May 2017. Some of the issues raised by the members and the secretariat were: A virtual GA is an economic and innovative alternative, but it does not replace human contact and working relationships that can be developed during the face-to-face GA. Therefore, full participation of members needs to be ensured although it may have some constraints. Some universities actively participated in joint research and encouraging outputs are being made. However, it was difficult for some other members to find funding for the research activities, workshops and other member activities, since not all of the universities are on the same financial footing.

The First General Assembly of A-A Dialogue Network Phase IV, July 22 – 25, 2015

The A-A Dialogue Network held the first General Assembly of Phase IV from July 22 to 25 at Hiroshima University. 33 participants from 26 universities attended the General Assembly.

The vice president of Hiroshima University, Prof. Sakakoshi, and the secretary of the A-A Dialogue Network, Prof.Yoshida, gave an opening address followed by a welcome address by co-host representatives of MEXT, Mr.Sato, and JICA, Mr.Ota. A courtesy visit to
President Ochi was made and the participants were listening deeply to his speech on increasing importance of global academic network in the era of globalization.

The representatives from each university mainly discussed the past and future activities of the A-A Dialogue Network. They actively exchanged ideas and shared knowledge from the past experiences on planned activities for the new phase.

The Second General Assembly of A-A Dialogue Network Phase III, July 22 – 24, 2013

The A-A Dialogue Network held the second General Assembly of Phase III on July 22 in Hiroshima. The Secretary of the A-A Dialogue Network, Prof. Kazuhiro Yoshida of Hiroshima University, gave an opening address followed by a welcome address by Prof. Shin-ichi Uye (Vice President of Hiroshima University), Mr. Yoshihisa Nagayama (Director of International Affairs Division, MEXT) and Mr. Noriaki Nishimiya (Director General of JICA Chugoku). This year, Seoul National University joined as a new member of A-A Dialogue Network, thus participants from 29 universities attended the General Assembly. Participants reported activities conducted during June 2012 – May 2013 and discussed and adopted Action Plan for June 2013 – May 2014. The participants then discussed joint research and other activities on July 23 and 24.

Agenda 2013
Summary 2013
photos 2013

Africa-Asia Educational Collaborative Research Symposium, July 4-6, 2012

The Africa-Asia Educational Collaborative Research Symposium was jointly organized by the Center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education, Hiroshima University and Waseda University, the Institute for Asia Pacific Studies, Study Group on International Education Development at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University in Tokyo, on July 4-6. The purpose of the symposium was to share research findings with wider audience. On July 4-5, member universities presented their research findings. On the final day of July 6, a panel discussion was held in relation to “New Agenda of Post-2015 for Educational Development in Africa and Asia”. Presentation powerpoint is available from the program below.

Program and Presentation PP

First General Assembly of A-A Dialogue Network Phase III, July 3, 2012

The A-A Dialogue Network held the first General Assembly of Phase III on July 3 at Waseda University in Tokyo. The Secretary of the A-A Dialogue Network, Prof. Norihiro Kuroda of Hiroshima University, gave an opening address followed by a welcome address by co-host Prof. Kazuo Kuroda of Waseda University, representatives of MEXT, Mr. Goro Watanabe, and JICA, Mr. Kazuhiro Tanbara. Participants from 27 universities attended the General Assembly. Speakers introduced purposes of this General Assembly, namely: to assess Phase II and capture lessons learned, while looking forward to Phase III, in particular the ways in which Phase III is conceptualized differently from Phases I and II. Participants introduced themselves, giving their impressions of Phase II and hopes for the next session.

Summary record

A-A Dialogue Wrap-Up Meeting for Phase II in Malaysia, March 26-29, 2012

The Wrap-up meeting for Phase II of the A-A Dialogue Network took place at Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang on March 26-29, 2012. It was jointly organized by the Universiti Sains Malaysia and Hiroshima University. Representatives from member universities participated in the meeting in order to report and evaluate activities in Phase II as well as discuss about possible directions for Phase III. During the opening ceremony, the Vice Chancellor of the Universiti Sains Malaysia gave us a welcome speech. Representatives of member universities expressed their willingness to continue the network and the desirability to enter Phase III.

– Programme
Summary Record

International Symposium on Education Development Cooperation, June 2011

On June 8th, the International Symposium of Education Development Cooperation was held at the Headquarter Building of Hiroshima University. Professor Birgit Brock-Utne, Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo talked about “Language and Inequality – Could Africa Learn from Asia?”. This was followed by Dr. Birger Fredriksen, consultant and the former World Bank Director for Human Development for Africa, who talked about “More Strategic Allocation of Education Aid: A Neglected Aspect of Aid Effectiveness”. Many people participated in the symposium.

– Flyer
– Powerpoint
 Professor Birgit Brock-Utne
 Dr. Birger Fredriksen
– Photos

The Third General Assembly and Research Group Meeting of the Network, June 2011

On June 7th and 8th, research group meetings were held at the Hiroshima International Plaza. Each member university presented their research progress. This was followed by the third general assembly of the Network that was taken place at Hiroshima University on June 9th and 10th. During the opening ceremony, the Vice President of Hiroshima University gave his welcome address to all participants, followed by remarks from UNESCO, MEXT and JICA. Representatives from member universities reported progress in their activities and proposed action plans for the year 2011.

– Programme
– Photos

Zambian Education Forum, August 2010

 The University of Zambia and Hiroshima University organized the “Zambian Education Forum,” with support from the Ministry of Education, Zambia, and the JICA Zambia Office, from 11th to 13th of August, 2010. The purpose of the forum was to share knowledge and experiences about educational development in Zambia and other countries. While the first day focused on education issues in Zambia, discussion in the second and third days was about experiences of teacher professional development in various countries. The forum had rich discussion with exchange of opinions among participants. In total, nearly 70 people (researchers, practitioners, students etc.) participated in the forum.

– Flyers (Zambia flyer1) (Zambia flyer2
– Programme
– Photos

The Second General Assembly of the Network, June 2010

 The Network of “Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development” held the Second General Assembly from 8th to 10th of June, 2010, at Hiroshima University and the Hiroshima International Plaza. The Vice President of Hiroshima University gave his welcome address to all participants, followed by remarks from MEXT, JICA, UNESCO and a message from the Rector of UNU. Representatives from member universities reported progress in their activities and proposed action plans for 2010-2011. On the final day, the President of Hiroshima University awarded a membership certificate to all representatives of member universities. The Assembly had fruitful discussion with a way forward to strengthening Network activities.

– Programme
– Photos

Capacity Development Seminar in Kenya, March 2010

 “Workshop for Research Capacity Development” This workshop was held from 3rd to 5th of March, 2010, at the Kenyatta University Conference Center. It was organized by two member universities, Kenyatta University, Kenya and Hiroshima University, Japan, with assistance from the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ). The aim of the workshop was to encompass such issues as research and policy formulation; fund raising for research; data gathering and processing; research partnership and collaboration; and university’s contribution to educational development. Participants from member universities presented their papers and engaged in wider discussion.

– Workshop Report
– Powerpoint presentation
– Photos

Experience Sharing Seminar in Ghana, January 2010

 “Africa-Asia Experience Sharing Seminar: Efforts towards Improving the Quality of Education” This seminar was held from 19th to 21st of January, 2010, at the Erata Hotel, Accra, in Ghana. One of the important activities of the network is to share experiences of educational development between Africa and Asia. For this purpose, two member universities, the University of Cape Coast, Ghana and Hiroshima University, Japan jointly organized an international seminar to discuss experiences in issues and challenges of the quality of education and its policies and evaluations. This seminar was widely open to Ghanaian audiences including educational administrators, researchers, teachers and students.

– Paper presentation
– Photos

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