広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センターCenter for the Study of International Cooperation in Education Hiroshima University


タイトル : Innovative Finance in Education: Where do we stand?
講師:Lecturer: Dr. Nicholas Burnett
Senior Research Fellow of Results for Development(R4D), Special Professor of International Education at Nottingham University, Chair of the Board of UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning
The presentation will review the history of innovative financing in education, survey recent developments, discuss possible reasons for the sector’s slow adoption of innovative financing despite SDG4’s massive financing needs, and suggest some priorities for the future.
Innovative finance has considerable potential in education, yet the sector has lagged several others (climate change, household finance, health) in adopting such techniques.  However, there are some recent signs of movement, in part stimulated by the report and follow-up actions of The International Commission on Financing Global Educational Opportunity and, more recently, through endorsement by the SDG4-Education 2030 Steering Committee, although the endorsement is rather ambiguous.  The presentation will review the history of innovative financing in education, survey recent developments, discuss possible reasons for the sector’s slow adoption of innovative financing despite SDG4’s massive financing needs, and suggest some priorities for the future.

Nicholas Burnett is currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies at Kobe University where he is currently teaching an intensive course on innovative financing for education.  He has been World Bank Human Development Manager for West and Central Africa, Director of the EFA Global Monitoring Report, Assistant Director-General for Education at UNESCO, and founding Managing Director for Education at Results for Development, where he is now a Senior Fellow.  He also chairs the board of the International Institute for Educational Planning and sits on various NGO boards, several involved in innovative financing.  He was one of the authors of the Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development’s Task Force on Education report in 2010 and managed the Education Commission’s staff work on innovative financing, including co-authoring the background paper Innovative Financing Recommendations.  He has a BA from Oxford, was the Henry Fellow at Harvard, an MA and Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins and is a visiting professor at Nottingham University in the UK.  He was a visiting professor at CICE in 2014-15.