広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センターCenter for the Study of International Cooperation in Education Hiroshima University





開催日 テーマ 講師

2024 年 7 月 4 日 (木) 17:00~18:00

「世界銀行における教育グローバル実践の枠組み」 Scherezad Joya Monami Latif(世界銀行・教育グローバルプラクティス・リード教育スペシャリスト) 





JICE Writers’ Workshop  
217 2024年4月25日(木) The Deobandi Tradition in Bangladesh: Qaumi Madrasa Education & the Political Rise of their Custodians Dr. Humayun Kabir



CICE OPEN SEMINAR (JICA training programme)   “How do we strengthen the capacity for policy formulation and analysis in education?”




Transforming Education through Research Collaboration

Dr Nozomi Sakata (Hiroshima University)
Dr Abraham Okrah (University of Ghana, Legon)
Mr Chris Yates (University College London)



JICE Writing Seminar:Navigating the Publication Process

Prof. Tatsuya Kusakabe (Co-Editor-in-Chief)

Dr. Takamichi Asakura (Editorial Team)

Dr. Nozomi Sakata (Managing Editor)



What is the purpose of education? -Perspective from human capital theory-

Prof. Moses Oketch(UCL Institute of Education, University College London)




JICE Writers’ Workshop


211 2022年10月27日(水)

「How UNESCO/IIEP frames SDGs?」

Mioko Saito (元ユネスコ/IIEP職員)

210 2022年5月18日(水)


アブドッラ・ラシード・アフメド (モルディブ教育担当国務大臣 

209 2021年12月23日(木)

「インドで草の根技術協力事業(JICA)を行う国際NGOとCICEインターン生の”今”を伝える座談会!!〜コロナ禍でも国際協力の仕事がしたい学生へ!−インド児童保護プロジェクトの事例報告– 〜」

208 2020年 3月12日(木) Market-Oriented Ideas Meet Public Education Structures: An Analysis of Teacher Compensation Schemes in Performance Pay Policies in Latin America Professor Paula RazquinVisiting Professor of CICE,Hiroshima University/ Former Dean, School of Education, University of San Andrés (Argentina), Assistant Professor
207 2020年 2月13日(木) The Teacher Supply in Latin America: A Review of Research Professor Paula RazquinVisiting Professor of CICE,Hiroshima University/ Former Dean, School of Education, University of San Andrés (Argentina), Assistant Professor
206 2020年 1月16日(木) Work in the Field of Educational Development: Learning from the Career Path of One Scholar from the Global South Professor Paula RazquinVisiting Professor of CICE,Hiroshima University/ Former Dean, School of Education, University of San Andrés (Argentina), Assistant Professor
205 2月25日(月) Early childhood policy developments at European Union level: The challenges and possibilities Prof. Mathias UrbanDesmond Chair of Early Childhood Education, and Director of the Early Childhood Research Centre (ECRC) at Dublin City University, Ireland (DCU)
204 1月30日(月) Innovative Finance in Education: Where do we stand? Dr. Nicholas Burnett Senior Research Fellow of Results for Development(R4D), Special Professor of International Education at Nottingham University, Chair of the Board of UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning
203 11月12日(火) From Education Policy to Practice: drivers, incentives and threats Dr. Angela Little Visiting Professor of CICE, Hiroshima University Professor Emerita, UCL Institute of Education, University of London
202 10月17日(水) Aid at a Turning Point:How much, to whom, for what? Dr.Keith M Lewin, Emeritus Professor of Development and International Development in Education University of Sussex
203 1月29日 (月) ・Progress and Challenges in Implementing Policies of School Management and Evaluation in Japan ・Conceptual diagram for the school age population Distribution and enrollment (2012) Dr. Akihiko Hashimoto (Senior Researcher, National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan)
202 1月17日 (木) Pilot Project for Improving Safe Learning Environment through the Use of a Japanese Style Package of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Education:BOSAI for Fostering Children’s Initiative in Nepal * BOSAI Mapping-Photos 1 * BOSAI Mapping-Photos 2 Prof. Yoko Ishida (CICE Professor, Hiroshima University)
202 1月17日 (水) BOSAI for Fostering Children’s Initiative in Nepal Mr. Bhim Kumar Shrestha (Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Practical Action Regional Office; Nepal Technology solution for challenging poverty)
202 1月17日 (水) Post Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction Involvement, Experience and Learning Mr. Khagendra Subba (Individual Consultant, Community Development-Education)
201 1月26日 (木) The state of Early Childhood Development and Education in Uganda Mr. Charles Kyasanku (CICE Visiting Professor, Makerere University)
200 1月19日 (木) Teacher Competency Profiles: A Basis for secondary Teacher Training and Curriculum Review in Uganda Mr. Charles Kyasanku (CICE Visiting Professor, Makerere University)
199 1月12日 (木) Retooling Teachers for Enhancement of Inclusive Classrooms in Uganda: A Case of Mugongo Primary School, Uganda. Mr. Charles Kyasanku (CICE Visiting Professor, Makerere University)
198 12月15日 (木) An Examination of Locally and Externally Initiated Teacher Professional Development Programmes for Science and Mathematics Teachers in Ugandan Secondary Schools Mr. Charles Kyasanku (CICE Visiting Professor, Makerere University)
197 11月21日 (月) Japanese education reform and its effects on the ground; voices from Japanese junior high schools Riho Sakurai, Ph.D (CICE, Hiroshima University)
196 11月4日 (金) ICT and Teacher Professional Development: Global Trends and Possibilities Prof. Gerald K. LeTendre (Harry Lawrence Batschelet II Chair of Educational Administration, Pennsylvania State University)
195 8月4日 (木) SDGs’ burning agendas from ECD to Job relevant skills: Analytical framework and operations in South Asia Dr. Shinsaku Nomura (CICE Visiting Research Fellow, Education Global Practice, World Bank)
194 7月13日 (水) Implementing Inclusive Education In Kenya: How Prepared Are The Teachers? Dr. Francis Likoye (CICE Visiting Professor, Kenyatta University)
193 7月4日 (月) Marginalization and the Provision of Basic Education in Kenya’s Urban Informal Settlements Dr. Francis Likoye (CICE Visiting Professor, Kenyatta University)
192 6月30日 (木) Student Protests and Learning for Sustainable Futures in Secondary Schools in Kenya Dr. Francis Likoye (CICE Visiting Professor, Kenyatta University)
191 6月9日 (木) TRACING THE ROOTS OF STUDENT VIOLENCE An Experiential Analysis of Occurrences of  Student Unrest and Violence in Secondary Schools in Kenya Dr. Francis Likoye (CICE Visiting Professor, Kenyatta University)
190 1月29日 (金)  A BEAR story: Better Education for Africa’s Rising – An UNESCO project explored by Korea for supporting TVET(Technical Vocational Education and Training) in 5 Sub-Saharan countries, DR Congo, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, and Botswana. Dr. Bong Gun Chung (CICE Visiting Professor, Seoul National University)
189 1月21日 (木) A Tale of Korean Education : from historico-social, comparative, and development cooperation perspectives Dr. Bong Gun Chung (CICE Visiting Professor, Seoul National University)
Special Seminar 7月24日 (金) Education 2030:  The New Global Education Agenda toward Inclusive and Equitable Learning Improvement Kazuhiro Yoshida (Director of CICE )
188 7月16日 (木) NGO Educational Developments and Neo-liberalism in Africa: the case of Zambia Dr. Peggy Mwanza (CICE Visiting Professor, University of Zambia)
187 7月9日 (木) The Role of NGOs for achieving the Education for All Goals in Zambia Dr. Peggy Mwanza (CICE Visiting Professor, University of Zambia)
186 6月25日 (木) Community awareness campaign on the Importance of girl – child’s education in Chongwe, Zambia Dr. Peggy Mwanza (CICE Visiting Professor, University of Zambia)
185 6月18日(木) The Problems and Challenges in Achieving the Global Education Goals at the Basic Education Level in Zambia Dr. Peggy Mwanza (CICE Visiting Professor, University of Zambia)
184 5月13日(水) Teacher Professional identity in South Africa: Effect on supply and demand for early childhood education Prof. Cycil Hartell (CICE Visiting Professor, University of Pretoria)
183 4月23日(木) Academic leadership vs managerialism: Heads of Academic Departments ‘perceptions and experiences in South Africa Prof. Cycil Hartell (CICE Visiting Professor, University of Pretoria)
182 4月16日(木) National Assessment and early childhood teacher professional development in South Africa: challenges and opportunities Prof. Cycil Hartell (CICE Visiting Professor, University of Pretoria)
181 4月9日(木) The influence of ecosystemic factors on Black student teachers‘ perceptions and experience of Early Childhood Education in South Africa Prof. Cycil Hartell (CICE Visiting Professor, University of Pretoria)
180 1月22日(木) Possibilities for Japan Dr. Nicholas Burnett (CICE Visiting Professor, Managing Director for Education at Results for Development Institute)
179 12月18日(木) Promising New Types of Financing for Education Dr. Nicholas Burnett (CICE Visiting Professor, Managing Director for Education at Results for Development Institute)
178 11月12日(水) The Surprising Lack of Evidence about What Works in Education – Implications for Policymakers Dr. Nicholas Burnett (CICE Visiting Professor, Managing Director for Education at Results for Development Institute)
177 10月23日(木) Do We Need New Forms and Sources of Financing for Education? Dr. Nicholas Burnett (CICE Visiting Professor, Managing Director for Education at Results for Development Institute)
176 10月17日(金) Educational Program Officer in Bhutan: nature and challenges of the work Mr. Kinley Gyeltshen (Chief Programe Officer, ECCD and SEN Division, DSE, Ministry of Education, Bhutan) Mr. Karma Norbu (Assistant Program Officer, Special Education Section, ECCD and SEN Division, DSE, Ministry of Education, Bhutan)
175 6月19日(木) Yet Another Educational Reform in Mexico Dr. Carlos Ornelas (Professor of Education and Communications Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico、CICE外国人客員教授)
174 5月29日(木) Bureaucrats and Educators : The Governance of Basic Education in Mexico Dr. Carlos Ornelas (Professor of Education and Communications Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico、CICE外国人客員教授)
173 5月15日(木) The Failure of Decentralization of Basic Education in Mexico Dr. Carlos Ornelas (Professor of Education and Communications Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico、CICE外国人客員教授)
172 4月24日(木) Basic Education in Mexico: The Wicked Fortune of Reforms Dr. Carlos Ornelas (Professor of Education and Communications Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico、CICE外国人客員教授)
171 4月10日(木) Education Development in Practice – Views from the Field Office of the World Bank Mr. Tsuyoshi Fukao (Education Specialist, Cambidia Office, World Bank)
170 2月13日(火) Policy and Practice of Teacher Professional Development in Malaysia: The ongoing effort of enhancing teacher quality Dr. Hazri Jamil (School of Educational Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)、CICE外国人客員教授)
169 1月30日(火) The Production of Education Policies and Ethnicity Issues in Malaysia: Contested terrain of multiple aspirations in a multicultural nation Dr. Hazri Jamil (School of Educational Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)、CICE外国人客員教授)
168 1月27日(月 Revamping Malaysian Education System towards Enhancing Human Capitals Development: Critical policy analysis of policies for schooling Dr. Hazri Jamil (School of Educational Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)、CICE外国人客員教授)
167 12月12日(木) India’s New Mandate Against Economic Apartheid In Schools Dr. Nalini Juneja (National University of Educational Planning and Administration, India、CICE外国人客員教授)
166 11月12日(火) RTE 2009-Issues Addressed And Challenges In Implementation  Dr. Nalini Juneja (National University of Educational Planning and Administration, India、CICE外国人客員教授)
165 10月23日(水) The Story of RTE in India Dr. Nalini Juneja (National University of Educational Planning and Administration, India、CICE外国人客員教授)
164 10月11日(金) Institutionalization of the Right to Education in india Dr. Nalini Juneja (National University of Educational Planning and Administration, India、CICE外国人客員教授)
163 7月18日(木) Trends in National Learning Assessment in Ethiopia Dr. Desalegn Chalchisa Jebena(Assistant Professor at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia、CICE外国人客員教授)
162 7月4日(木) Practices and Challenges of Assessment of Students Learning Outcomes in Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions Dr. Desalegn Chalchisa Jebena(Assistant Professor at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia、CICE外国人客員教授)
161 6月6日(木) Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions Graduate Student Assessment Policies and Guidelines Dr. Desalegn Chalchisa Jebena(Assistant Professor at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia、CICE外国人客員教授)
160 5月29日(水) Knowledge economy Policy for hyman capital development in East Asia and Pacific… and the rest of the world Dr. Eduardo Velez(Former Manager of World Bank Education Sector for East Asia and for Latin Americak、元世界銀行東アジア・ラテンアメリカ教育セクター専門家)
159 5月8日(水) Monitoring and Evaluating the Quality of Education:SACMEQ Perspective Dr. Mioko Saito(Programme Specialist and the UNESCO Gender Focal Point at the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO)、ユネスコIIEP のプログラムスペシャリスト)
158 3月22日(金) Education Reform in Vietnamese High School: Historical Perspective and Challenges Dr. Nguyen Chi Thanh(Associate Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Education,Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam、CICE外国人客員教授)
157 3月8日(金) The Use of Dynamic Geometry Software by High School Teachers in Vietnam: Analysis from Case Studies Dr. Nguyen Chi Thanh(Associate Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam、CICE外国人客員教授)
156 2月15日(金) Technology content in high school teacher training program in Vietnam: current situation and issues from a didactic point of view Dr. Nguyen Chi Thanh(Associate Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Education,Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam、CICE外国人客員教授)
155 11月29日(木) Theoretical Views of Human Nature and Causes of Anxiety from Ethno-cultural Perspective Dr. Abdulrashid Garba(Bayero University, Kano-NIGERIA、CICE外国人客員教授)
154 11月8日(木) The Imperatives of Programming in Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education Dr. Abdulrashid Garba(Bayero University, Kano-NIGERIA、CICE外国人客員教授)
153 10月18日(木) Conceptulization and Operationalization of Higher Degree Researches in Guidance and Counselling Counselling: A Second Thought Dr. Abdulrashid Garba(Bayero University, Kano-NIGERIA、CICE外国人客員教授)
152 10月4日(木) Comparative Exploration of the Emergence and Development of Guidance and Counselling In the U.S., Japan and Nigeria Dr. Abdulrashid Garba(Bayero University, Kano-NIGERIA、CICE外国人客員教授)
151 8月2日(木) Private Education, Teacher Education: Implications for Equity and Quality in Cambodia Dr.James H. Williams(George Washington University、CICE外国人客員教授)
150 7月26日(木) Gender and Persistence in School: First results of a longitudinal study of 6th grade Cambodian students Dr.James H. Williams(George Washington University、CICE外国人客員教授)
149 7月12日(木) School, Book, Nation: School Textbooks, Identity, and the Pedagogies and Politics of Imagining Community Dr.James H. Williams(George Washington University、CICE外国人客員教授)
148 3月8日(木) International Education Policy after 2015: Past Trends, Future Proposals Dr.Aaron Benavot(State University of New York、CICE外国人客員教授)
147 2月23日(木) Neo-Institutionalism in Education: An Emergent Paradigm and its Critics Dr.Aaron Benavot(State University of New York、CICE外国人客員教授)
146 2月2日(木) Strengthening the Comparative Dimension in Comparative Education (Research) Dr.Aaron Benavot(State University of New York、CICE外国人客員教授)
145 1月12日(木) Learning to Read and Numerate in the Developing World: Cross-national Commonalities and Differences in Primary School Curricula and Textbooks Dr.Aaron Benavot(State University of New York、CICE外国人客員教授)
144 11月10日(木) Contribution of Post 1991 Ethiopian Social Studies Textbooks in Developing Multiple Identities and Multicultural Values among Students Dr. Dawit Mekonnen Mihiretie (CICE 客員教授、Bahir Dar University,Ethiopia)
143 10月27日(木) Pre‐service teachers’ conceptions about teaching and the effect of teacher education programs on their conceptions: Cases from Germany and Ethiopia Dr.Dawit Mekonnen Mihiretie (CICE 客員教授、Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia)
142 10月20日(木) The Views of Teachers and Parents on the Practices of Automatic Grade Promotion Policy in Ethiopian Primary Schools Dr.Dawit Mekonnen Mihiretie (CICE 客員教授、Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia)
141 10月13日(木) Educational Policy and Practices for Universalizing Primary Education in Ethiopia: Dilemmas and Consequences Dr.Dawit Mekonnen Mihiretie (CICE 客員教授、Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia)
140 7月21日(木) Sponsored Educational Media at Higher Education in the Developing World: Challenges and Prospects. The Experience of Uganda Dr. Ndawula Stephen (CICE 客員教授, Kyambogo University, Uganda)
139 7月7日(木) Electronic Learning Media at Higher Education in Uganda: The Impact of Gender, Media Ownership and Field of Study Dr. Ndawula Stephen (CICE客員教授, Kyambogo University, Uganda)
138 6月23日(木) Struggles for educational (e-) quality in Sub-Saharan Africa: empirical, theoretical and methodological dimensions Dr Máiréad Dunne(Reader, Centre for International Education, University of Sussex, UK)
137 6月16日(木) Access and Use of the Internet: A case of Undergraduate Students in Public Universities of Uganda Dr. Ndawula Stephen (CICE 客員教授, Kyambogo University, Uganda)
136 5月12日(木) ICT Supported Distance Teacher Education: Challenges and Prospects for In-service Student Teachers in Uganda Dr. Ndawula Stephen (CICE 客員教授, Kyambogo University, Uganda)
135 4月21日(木) Information and Communication Technology in Secondary Schools of Uganda: Examining the Trends and Hurdles Dr. Ndawula Stephen (CICE 客員教授, Kyambogo University, Uganda)
134 2月17日 (木) Tribulation and Temptation in Reforming Malaysian Teacher Education Part 4 Prof. Abdul Rashid Mohamed (CICE 客員教授、Universiti Sains, Malaysia)
133 2月16日 (水) Tribulation and Temptation in Reforming Malaysian Teacher Education Part 3 Prof. Abdul Rashid Mohamed (CICE 客員教授、Universiti Sains, Malaysia)
132 1月20日 (木) Tribulation and Temptation in Reforming Malaysian Teacher Education Part 2 Prof. Abdul Rashid Mohamed (CICE 客員教授、Universiti Sains, Malaysia)
131 12月16日 (木) Tribulation and Temptation in Reforming Malaysian Teacher Education Part 1 Prof. Abdul Rashid Mohamed (CICE 客員教授、Universiti Sains, Malaysia)
130 12月9日 (木) Tribulation of Freedom Guise of Change Temptation to Reform Cajoling a Revolution -The Case of Enhancing and Sustaining Teacher Education in Malaysia Seminar1: -Inheritance of an Alien System –A Heritage of Division –A Legacy of Diversity -A Recipe for Conflict –A challenge for Education Development Prof. Abdul Rashid Mohamed (CICE 客員教授、Universiti Sains, Malaysia)
129 10月28日(木) Educational in Slum Schools in Nairobi Elijah Otieno Odundo (Programme Manager, Sustainable Urban Environment Development Programme, Kenya Organization for Environment Education (KOEE))
128 10月21日(木) The Vision of Teacher Education: Inclusive Instructional Strategies Bangladesh Context Dr. Sharmin Huq (CICE 客員教授, Professor, Department of Special Education, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
127 10月7日(木) Reducing School Dropout through Inclusive Approach to Education: Bangladesh Context Dr. Sharmin Huq (CICE 客員教授, Professor, Department of Special Education, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
126 8月20日(金) Policy and Legislation on inclusive Education: Situation of Bangladesh Dr. Sharmin Huq (CICE 客員教授, Professor, Department of Special Education, Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
125 7月15日(木) 社会変動期における教師と教育改革―ボリビアの教員組合のフィールドワークから Dr. Miyuki Okamura (Researcher at CICE)
124 7月8日(木) Aid to Education in a situation of Rapid Population Growth Seminar 4: Getting a balance: the relevance of education aid modalities to demographic transition Dr. Digby Swift (CICE 客員教授、Former Senior Education Adviser, UK Department for International Development)
123 6月24日(木) Abolishing secondary school fees to increase access by the poor? A study from rural Kenya Dr. Asayo Ohba (Researcher at CICE)
122 6月17日(木) Aid to Education in a situation of Rapid Population Growth Seminar 3: A gentle push: role of incentives in the dynamics of population growth and education reform Dr. Digby Swift (CICE 客員教授、Former Senior Education Adviser, UK Department for International Development)
121 5月20日(木) Aid to Education in a situation of Rapid Population Growth Seminar 2: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Planning education reforms in the context of rapid population growth Dr. Digby Swift (CICE 客員教授、Former Senior Education Adviser, UK Department for International Development)
120 5月7日(金) Aid to Education in a situation of Rapid Population Growth Seminar 1: The Elephant in the Room: Education, Population Growth and the Development agenda Dr. Digby Swift (CICE 客員教授、Former Senior Education Adviser, UK Department for International Development)
119 2月25日(木) コミュニティースクールでの体験を経て~一回限りの勉強会へのいざない~ 高柳 妙子 (CICE研究員)
118 2月19日(金) International Cooperation in Mathematics and Science Education toward Quality Improvement of Mathematics and Science Education in Indonesia Series 4: Development of A Model of Continuous Teacher Professional Development in West Java Province, Indonesia Dr. Sumar Hendayana (CICE 客員教授、Indonesia University of Education)
117 2月9日(火) International Cooperation in Mathematics and Science Education toward Quality Improvement of Mathematics and Science Education in Indonesia Series 3: School-University Linkage for Quality Improvement of Mathematics and Science Education Dr. Sumar Hendayana (CICE 客員教授、Indonesia University of Education)
116 1月28日(木) International Cooperation in Mathematics and Science Education toward Quality Improvement of Mathematics and Science Education in Indonesia Series 2: Capacity Building of Pre-service in Mathematics and Science Teacher Training of Indonesia University of Education Dr. Sumar Hendayana (CICE 客員教授、Indonesia University of Education)


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