広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センターCenter for the Study of International Cooperation in Education Hiroshima University

Self-Evaluation Report of Africa-Asia University Dialogue

Self-Evaluation Report of Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development Network (June 2009-June 2012)


  1. Background
  2. Evaluation Guidelines

Ⅱ.Summary of Self-Evaluation Reports of Member Universities

  1. Achievement level of Activities
  2. Impacts of Activities
  3. Other Comments and Suggestions
  4. Lessons Learned
  5. Summary of Activities by Member Universities

Ⅲ.Self-Evalucation reports of Research Groups

  1. Group A: Gender and Equity
  2. Group B: Quality of Education and Educational Policies
  3. Group C: Teacher Professional Development

Ⅳ.Self-Evaluation report of the Secretariat

  1. Introduction
  2. Organization of General Assembly and Other Meetings
  3. Liaison with UNESCO and UNU
  4. Maintaining and Updating the Network Web Site, Brochure and Mailing Lists
  5. Staffing 6. Other 7. Overall Evaluation